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To submit your application to United Churches In Christ fellowship, simply download the two forms (1. Membership Application and 2. Covenant Agreement), fill out the forms and mail or fax them to our national headquarter's office. Click here to download Forms

Mail to:  UCIC Fellowship 
        22 Crown St.
                   Meriden, CT 06450
                         Fax to: (203) 379-0233


For electronic submission, you may fill out the two customized forms below and click the Submit button.

 * Please ensure you fill out and submit the Membership Application form first, then you may fill out and submit the Covenant Agreement form after the first has been submitted. 

United Churches In Christ, Inc.
Membership Application
Date of Application:
First Name:      MI:     Last Name:           DOB:
Home Address:      City:          
                                                                                       State:      Zip
Home Phone #:      Cell: 
Church / Ministry / Christian owned business Name:      Your Title:
Address:      City:          
                                                                         State:      Zip:
Phone #:      Fax #:     
Email:      Website:
Present Denomination: Non-denominational  Other
Does your organization have a tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code?  Yes: 
If No, would you be interested in UCIC assisting you in the process of obtaining this federal status?  Yes:
Which area(s) below do you feel is the major thrust of your ministry?
 Faith      Restoration      Miracles      Deliverance    
 Prosperity      Other 
By signing or typing your name in the box below, you do hereby consent to your organization being a member of United Churches In Christ, Inc., and agree to adhere to the Uniform Governing Body (By-Laws and Constitution) of UCIC, and come under the Headship of the Chief Apostle as it pertains to UCIC collaboration.  Your membership is in no way intended to infringe upon the constitution or mission statement of your individual Church, Ministry or Christian owned business .
Applicant's Signature


*The Covenant Agreement form can only be submitted after you have first clicked the submit button for the Membership Application form.
United Churches in Christ Fellowship
Covenant Agreement 

First Name  Middle Name  Last Name     

Name of Church or Ministry  

Address  City  State  Zip Code  

Phone #  Fax #  Email   

I see United Churches in Christ, Inc. (UCIC) as a Spiritual Covering to churches, and ministries , and I understand the financial policy of UCIC as follows:

Recommended: A minimum of $50.00 per month for churches.  A minimum of $10.00 per month for Non-Pastoral Ministers.

I hereby make a commitment to the United Churches in Christ, Inc. of $ per month for the calendar year of 2011.  My monthly commitment represents our seed that we are sowing into the rich soil of UCIC.

By affixing your name below, you do affirm this covenant with United Churches in Christ, Inc. 
Signature  Date  

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